Our Old Friends Emailmovers Limited

This charming bunch of cunts have been spamming me for at least the last 15 years as a search on this site will show. So today’s emails from them have amused me: “Emailmovers Limited processes your information for direct marketing purposes, in the legitimate interest of itself and its clients…” Nothing about my “legitimate interest” […]

Emailmovers ICO Report

After yet another Spam from our old friends Emailmovers – who have a history of playing fast and loose with the law when it comes to Spam (see for instance this post and this article) – I have today decided that it is time to report them to the ICO to see if they’ll slap these spammers […]

Emailmovers Irony Filter Broken

Whilst checking my Spam folder earlier, I found one sent direct to one of my email addresses by our old friends Emailmovers who have a history of playing fast and loose with the law when it comes to Spam (see for instance this post and this article). “See how Emailmovers can help you with your marketing post […]

DBS Datamarketing Liars. Oh and Toyota GB Still Spamming

Remember I mentioned that Toyota GB were spamming me thanks to good old Spammers, DBS? Well guess what? When Jenna Bibby from DBS Datamarketing told me on 17 January 2007 that: “I can confirm that your email address has now been permanently removed from our system” she was lying to me, as Toyota GB spammed me two […]

More on the T-Mobile Spam Saga

If you recall, I was a little miffed at receiving spam from T-Mobile. Looks like I’m not the only one and The Register decided to do some digging themselves. See the full story here: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/02/01/t_mobile_spam/ There are one or two belters that I’m quoting here from that article: “So, just to recap, T-Mobile hired Quantum […]

T-Mobile: “Spam not our fault”…

I’ve been having some “issues” with being spammed by T-Mobile and have complained to them. Their latest reply is a belter! It started in December (18 December 2006), when they used a regular spammer called DBS data marketing to send out a mailshot to an e-mail address of mine that has only ever been used to register […]