The Trouble with Google…

I’m one of those people – as you’ve probably noticed – who displays adverts on their web sites, in my case, Google’s AdSense ones.

Now these adverts generate income for me whenever someone clicks on one of those links. What happens is an advertiser pays Google to display their adverts on sites where certain keywords chosen by the advertisers trigger their ads being displayed. In turn, Google give a percentage of that revenue to the sites displaying the adverts. I pay for some advertising his way as well.

What I’m noticing more and more these days though is that the revenue from displaying these ads. on my sites is coming down despite the fact that I am displaying ads on more web sites than before and the sites having become more popular.

I’ve never made a lot of money from Google – at its best, I was making roughly a dollar a day which was more or less covering my own spend.

But last month, for instance, my ad. revenues were down by a third. Now we’re talking small beans here with me, but if I were running an online business that relied on Google AdSense for its entire income, I’d be seriously worried.

I wonder what’s causing this squeeze? Ad-blockers? Too many sites chasing too few advertisers?

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